Friday, December 7, 2007

Oh what a day. I am so stressed out about not getting my Pink Appointment. I am taking Liana tomorrow (against the advise of lots of people) to hang out with her wonderful foster family. The transition of leaving them was hard. And we may have some stress after the visit. But Liana’s foster mom, and her kids and granddaughter were Liana’s loving family for the first year of her life. And I think I owe them the opportunity to say goodbye. But I am nervous. I am meeting the foster mom at the park at 9:30. She is bringing 4 kids.

Liana refused to take a nap today, so all of the chores that I planned to do during her nap did not get done. Including calling the airlines to figure out what to do with the airline ticket that I have for next Monday, but which I am unable to change because I have no idea when my Embassy appointment is going to be.

And to top it all off, Liana was playing with some courtyard kids and took a nasty fall. She bit her lip with her little teeth, and has a little dried blood in her nose that I have been trying to clean out with aloe gel and a q-tip. Her foster parents will think I am abusing her. I’m bringing her to breakfast with dried up blood crusting her little nose.

And having me poke at her with a q-tip has made her quite miserable, and crankier than she would have been without having taken a nap or having a bloody nose. So she slapped me, and I said “no, suave” and showed her how to touch softly. She slapped me again, and I said “no, suave” and touched softly. You have to understand, we do the “no, suave” thing with the kids here all the time when one hits the other. So she hit me again, and I put her in time out. Only her second time out ever. The first one was for hitting too. Well she cried for the full 30 seconds, and so did I. Even though I’ve decided to do time out for hitting, maybe I should have cut the kid a break this evening.

Rough day. All around.