Monday, January 28, 2008

Well my new favorite weekly event is toddler happy hour at Novo!!

What fun!

Parents and toddlers and great drinks and yummy food and a plush yet comfortable environment! Who could ask for more? At peak time, there were certainly more than a dozen toddlers and at least 20 parents. A great mess is made, but the staff take it all in stride.

Haven't taken Liana out to a bar at night since we got to NY. (Haha. Orinal blog readers will know all about taking Liana to the lounge bar in the Marriott and off to live Marimba events in Antigua) But now it looks like we have a weekly event! And I really like Novo. And since they are so very friendly to kids, (Liana and Linda and I went there a couple of weeks ago and Liana threw a plate and broke it and they were very nice) I might even try going there on one of the nights that they have live music. Been meaning to try out live music nights at Natives too. They say they are kid friendly.

But toddler happy hour is a kick! Liana, when alone with me, is needy. She must be held and entertained and played with. In a crowd, however, the kid is a regular social butterfly. She can wander socially from table to table, doing the toddler equivalent of small talk. Or she can coyly hold her drink (pineapple juice in a sippy cup) and watch the activities from a seat or corner. No one could believe she had only been in the country a month. She looked like she attended affairs like this all the time. And on a certain level, I guess she did! She lived in busy foster home with lots of kids and extended family wandering in and out all the time.