Friday, January 4, 2008

Life in NYC is full of lots of confusing and occasionally irritating stuff. My cat Sage, for example, is a constant source of joy and distress. Liana loves him. She tracks his every move, and reports on his activities. She is also sort of scared of him. Due in part to the fact that he periodically hisses and swats at her. Poor Sage. He had such a wonderful and predictable life. And now, a toddler has invaded his reality. Liana is rather afraid of Sage's face, so she tends to go after the tail. Which results in Sage being startled and irritated, hence more hissing with the face, which makes her more scared of his face, but no less obsessed by him. So yeah. She goes after the tail. And the whole thing repeats.

There are other confusing and irritating things about living in NY. Cold weather, for example. Liana is not fond of hats. Nor mittens. Nor the plastic that I put over her stroller, in part to block the wind, and in part to just look like all the other moms pushing strollers down the streets of Jackson Heights.

But NYC is full of exciting and wonderful things too! Yesterday was a prime example. We started out the day at the Queens Hall of Science, which has a marvelous children's section, and even a playroom for toddlers, as well as story time in the library, etc. We spent hours running around in the warmth, meeting other moms and kids, and just generally having a great time. Then we came home and had the first really good afternoon nap we've had since we came to NY. Then I got a silly idea. I wanted to have a pizza party. In front of the TV! So I told Liana aobut my plans, which I am sure she did not understand at all, other than the fact that she really really liked it when I said "pizza party" (go ahead and say it a few times. it really is fun to say!), so I moved her high chair into the living room and turned on Blue's Clues once the pizza arrived, and dumped her in, and we ate and laughed at had a pizza party in front of the TV!

Yeah. Life is good.