Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First doctor's visit yesterday. Liana did wonderfully. Mom was a wreck. The doctor, who is a specialist in international adoptions and problems common to adopted children, said that Liana was healthy (pending a few more tests of course), doing extremely well developmentally. She went on to say that Liana is "hyper-vigilant" but not obsessive/compulsive. I had never heard the term hyper-vigilant, but I think it is an accurate assessment. Her pre-sleep rituals (close all door, drawers, windows, etc.), the way she notices and is somewhat obsessed with something new in a room, the way that she fights sleep, etc. The doctor said that this is not uncommon in adopted children, especially those who were previously in a structured foster care situation, and then suffered the loss of the foster family. She continues to fear loss, and as a result is, well, hyper-vigilant.

The appointment was followed by Liana's first subway ride home after the doctor. She loved it! I still don't have the system down. I knew that the entrance had an elevator, but I went through the wrong door and had strangers holding the stroller on the escalator while I held Liana. But it was really a milestone. We've been running around in taxis, which we can do whenever we need to. But it is good to know that the train is do-able. The 74th street stop, junction of the E, F, R, G, V and 7 trains, has an elevator. The 82nd street stop, which is closer to home, does not have an elevator. So I'll be using the 74th street station for a while.

The buses are do-able too. However, I will have to have the stroller folded and over my shoulder to get on the bus. The stroller (everyone told me to get the McClaren!) weighs 11 pounds, and supposedly can be folded with one hand. I can't fold it at all without assistance, but in time I'll have all of my systems down. By the summer I am sure that Liana will be able to walk up and down the bus steps while holding my hand, and step onto the escalators while holding my hand, and I'll be able to toss the 11 pound stroller over my shoulder and we'll be off!

In other news, we are starting daycare on Monday. I'm a wreck. We are just doing three short days a week to start. After looking at a gazillion places with lots of different options, I decided on a small, in-home licensed day care in the neighborhood. We are going to try it out, and see how it goes. The woman speaks Spanish with the kids, and is a sort of grandmotherly type. Liana adored her immediately. They danced cumbia, which of course was a hit. The living room is set up all for daycare... with little tables and little chairs and lots of toys. She takes care of two 2-year olds and a 4-year old. The ages of the kids are very similar to the ages of the kids in Liana's foster care, so I hope she feels comfortable. I told the woman about the problems with Liana and sleep, and she sniffed. She has little hammock/cots for the kids. She says she feeds them lunch, leads them in, dims the light, tucks them in and they sleep. Period. Liana worships older kids, so I am hoping when she sees them sleeping she will sleep.

Wish me luck. And calm. And eventually, sleep for all!