Saturday, February 2, 2008

We went to the bookstore today, and oh my did we have a good time!

This was our first bookstore trip since we got home. There are many many many things I love about shopping and eating and socializing and hanging out in Jackson Heights, but book shopping is something we have to leave the neighborhood to do. Which is probably why I waited this long to do it.
Oh my. Book shopping is one of the great joys of life. Today I feel like I shared with my daughter a tradition passed on from my beloved parents. And I feel that she already shares my love of books, and of the written word. She responds joyfully to the rhythmic prose of so many children's books. She points to her favorite pictures, and seems to follow some simple plots. She still tries to turn the pages at her own pace... and sometimes goes in the wrong direction. Clearly the whole concept of story and letters and words and sequence are still a little too complex to grasp. But we have already established a passion for many aspects of the wonders contained in books.
And sometimes, they also taste really good.