Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ok, ok. I admit it. We went to Starbucks today.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m the one who is always talking about the importance of supporting family-run businesses. I’m the one who always scoffs at trendy (or not so trendy) franchises. And yeah, I’m the one who frequently vocalizes concern for exploited labor such as coffee pickers, and who has tantrums about corporate profits at the expense of laborers, many of whom are from my daughter’s country of origin.

But it was such a cold, wet, dreary day. And Liana and I were out running errands. And it looked so nice in there through the big window, with all those comfy couches. Yeah. I’m a lightweight.

We met a really nice toddler in Starbucks. He was there with his mom and dad, who were also raising him bilingually. We hung out and had fun (in Spanish and English), and I told them about toddler happy hour at Novo’s.

Before the whole Starbucks incident, we had a really nice playdate with Saya. Then afterwards we came home, and Liana really really really enjoyed this drinkable yoghurt stuff. And it is so good for her too!!!!