Friday, February 15, 2008

Mom is not the best housekeeper. In fact, I've got pretty lousy skills in terms of cleaning all together. I'm clerically challenged, and even though I try my best, papers and other stuff start forming piles on their own.

Liana seems to be naturally tidy. I noticed in Guatemala, in the lobby of a 5-star hotel, my daughter could spot a piece of lint on the rug at 50 yards. And pick it up and hold it with great concern. And possibly then put it in her mouth... but let's not talk about that. In Liana's room I have boxes for toys, bookshelves that are toddler sized, and drawers for other stuff. Liana actually likes putting things away. The different sized books (which go on different shelves) are a bit challenging, but she makes an earnest effort.

But she does like to take things out of things as much as she likes to put them back. This morning we emptied mom's underwear drawer. Twice. We got into a drawer with important papers that probably used to be in piles somewhere, and scattered them on the floor. And we also emptied the laundry basket. We also just started self-feeding raisins out of the box, which means that there are lots of raisins on the floor.

I pay someone to come and clean my apt. The idea is to diminish stress and give me for free time. It has been 5 weeks since she started. The first week she arrived on the day agreed upon, at the agreed upon time. The next week she was 45 minutes late, making Liana and me late for our Music Together class. The following week she changed the day, with less than 12 hours notice. The next week she changed the day again. Then last week she arrived at my door to announce she was going to Mexico for what she called a week, but which looks like three weeks on my calendar. She said her sister could clean for me while she was gone, and we arranged for her sister to come on Wednesday. I called on Monday night to confirm. The sister said that she was only available on Mondays and Tuesdays, not on Wednesdays. Hmmm. Ok. I said she could come on Tuesday then. But she was not available this Tuesday. Ummm.

After much ado and several phone calls, the sister says she is coming next Monday. We will see.

I'm not feeling my stress diminished.