Well much confusion with the whole doctor appointment thing. My ride insisted on coming at 7:30, and so I asked the porter to knock on my door and make sure we were up by 6:30. Now I have to tell you, the princess has been sleeping until 8, so 6:30 is early. And she woke up a few times last night… at 1 and at 3 and at 5. When the knock came at 6:30 I was fast fast asleep. Hopped into the shower and left her in bed. And then the phone rang. And she woke up. I went running through the apartment soaking wet, make the tile floors slippery and dangerous, only to learn from one of my lawyer’s staff that Liana is not supposed to eat anything after 7 AM. Well dammit. So I get her up, make a quick bottle, and throw some cheerios at her while I start making coffee and searching for some clothes and attempt to wipe up the slippery floor. Diaper change time, and it is messy. Knock on the door… my ride is here. Well he is early, so he can wait.
En route to Guatemala City, my lawyer calls the driver’s cell phone, and the driver passes it to me. My lawyer is sick, and cannot meet me at the doctor’s office. Liana is screaming. The cell phone is fading in and out. Something about some names of people I am supposed to look for… I don’t know. Now I’ve been in Guatemala less than a month, and my lawyer has been out of the country three times. Perhaps that is why he is sick.
When we get to the doctor’s office, the driver decides to hang out with me because I am clearly getting crankier by the minute, as is the hungry princess. They say they can’t do the DNA until the lawyer tells them which lab to send it to. I know the lab is Intellegenics. So we are back on track. We do the swab, and then we need to wait for the doctor to examine here. I have the princess entertained leaning against a table, which has live poinsettias on it. Ummm…. Aren’t they poisonous? There are babies and toddlers everywhere, and poinsettias in easy reach, everywhere. In the doctor’s waiting room. **sigh**
Well at a certain point two different staff members from my lawyer’s office arrive, and each of them seems to decide that she is superfluous, and so they leave. They exam goes fine, and Liana needs no more shots until 18 months. The paperwork, including Liana’s passport, are left for the lawyer to pick up. My goodness did it feel good to get back to Antigua! Lawyer and I played telephone tag a bit, and then Liana and I went out to get some proper food into her. And here she is! Dining happily after a rather irritating morning.
En route to Guatemala City, my lawyer calls the driver’s cell phone, and the driver passes it to me. My lawyer is sick, and cannot meet me at the doctor’s office. Liana is screaming. The cell phone is fading in and out. Something about some names of people I am supposed to look for… I don’t know. Now I’ve been in Guatemala less than a month, and my lawyer has been out of the country three times. Perhaps that is why he is sick.
When we get to the doctor’s office, the driver decides to hang out with me because I am clearly getting crankier by the minute, as is the hungry princess. They say they can’t do the DNA until the lawyer tells them which lab to send it to. I know the lab is Intellegenics. So we are back on track. We do the swab, and then we need to wait for the doctor to examine here. I have the princess entertained leaning against a table, which has live poinsettias on it. Ummm…. Aren’t they poisonous? There are babies and toddlers everywhere, and poinsettias in easy reach, everywhere. In the doctor’s waiting room. **sigh**
Well at a certain point two different staff members from my lawyer’s office arrive, and each of them seems to decide that she is superfluous, and so they leave. They exam goes fine, and Liana needs no more shots until 18 months. The paperwork, including Liana’s passport, are left for the lawyer to pick up. My goodness did it feel good to get back to Antigua! Lawyer and I played telephone tag a bit, and then Liana and I went out to get some proper food into her. And here she is! Dining happily after a rather irritating morning.