Well knock me down with a feather. The Prensa Libre headline is Triunfa Colom! Now I have to admit I don’t know a whole lot about the guy, (business man, former mayor, considered center-left) but quite frankly, I assumed that his opponent, the general, was a shoe-in.
A few nights ago I met a guy at the bar… the night that Liana and I went to listen to the sax player. Well, he said he was semi-retired from the State Department, but that they still sent him to conferences occasionally, and that he was here for the Guatemalan National Conference of English Teachers, which started the following week.
Now I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Central America, and I’ve met lots of guys who he reminded me of this fellow, whose purpose it was to ensure that elections or whatever went just the way they had been planned to go. They usually had better stories though… So I assumed that his presence meant that the US-trained general was to be elected on Sunday. But I was mistaken.
Ok, I have promised myself (and others) that I would NOT talk politics on this blog. But I could not let the election results pass without mentioning them.
Also, I must mention that the elections were hailed as a great success by international observers, who report that there were NO incidents of election-related violence. This is contrasted with
Hopefully we are off to Antigua soon. I am climbing the walls here at the Marriott.
This morning we went to the mall and bought a stroller. It is one of those sturdy, clunky, things, which should fare well on cobblestone. Given how Liana responded bouncing around the cobblestone-like paths at the zoo, I am sure she will be a trooper bouncing around the streets of Antigua in her new stroller.