Well I called PGN this morning, and the good news is that I am finally on the Director's desk! Those of you who have been following the mitutia of this process may remember that I've been on the Second Reviewer's desk since mid-September. The Director is the final sign off in PGN. Once he signs, we get the final sign of the birth mom, and then we get the birth certificate, and she is mine by Guatemalan law. Then we go back to the US side. We'll get her a passport, and submit a bunch of documents to the US Embassy. But I am getting ahead of myself here. First, we need to get out of PGN. There is still a chance I could get a previo, which is a kick out, or a bad thing. If that happens, (if the director doesn't see an accent over someone's name or if he decided that a signature is smudged or something) then we have to resolve it, and then I get resubmitted and probably face another 8 weeks or so in PGN. Hoping hoping hoping to get out next week. PGN is closed tomorrow for All Saints Day, and then Friday and Monday for the elections. They will reopen on Tuesday.
Liana is wonderful, but this transition is hard for her. Harder than the last visit. She is sleeping more than the foster mother described, so I think she is mourning a bit. Sometimes she is her wonderful silly self, and sometimes she seems very sad. She is very clingy, and gets terrified if I try to use the bathroom, or do anything without her. She is also very cautious of strangers, and sometimes starts crying if someone she does not know touches her. :( Poor sweety.
With babies, however, she is mostly herself. Scared a little boy in the playroom yesterday, giving him a great big hug that nearly knocked them both over, even though the little boy was leaning against his dad's legs. So she is quite an agressive little flirt when she wants to be. :)
I'll post more pictures later.